Source code for local_simple_database.virtual_class_all_local_databases

"""Module with virtual class to contain all common methods for any database"""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Standard library imports
import os
import datetime
from time import sleep
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
import re

# Third party imports
from filelock import FileLock

# Local imports

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("local_simple_database")

[docs]class VirtualAnyLocalDatabase(object): """ This is virtual class to handle all needs for all child DataBases ... Attributes ---------- self.str_path_main_database_dir : str Path to main folder with DataBase-s self.str_datetime_template_for_rolling : str Datetime template for folder name if to use rolling self.list_supported_types : list DataBase Types with which this local database can work self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path : dict {file_path_1: FileLock object, ...} self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation : float Seconds per file operation, need it for multiprocessing safety """ def __init__( self, str_path_database_dir=".", float_max_seconds_per_file_operation=0.01, str_datetime_template_for_rolling="", ): """Init common stuff for all DB-s object Parameters ---------- str_path_database_dir : str, optional Path to main folder with DataBase-s (default is ".") float_max_seconds_per_file_operation : float Seconds per file operation, need it for multiprocessing safety str_datetime_template_for_rolling : str Datetime template for folder name if to use rolling """ if not str_path_database_dir or str_path_database_dir == ".": str_path_database_dir = "local_simple_database" self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation = \ float_max_seconds_per_file_operation self.str_path_main_database_dir = \ os.path.abspath(str_path_database_dir) LOGGER.debug( "Main dir for Databases Initialized: %s", self.str_path_main_database_dir ) # If dir with database doesn't exists, then create it if not os.path.isdir(self.str_path_main_database_dir): os.makedirs(self.str_path_main_database_dir) ##### self.str_datetime_template_for_rolling = \ str_datetime_template_for_rolling self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path = {} self.list_supported_types = []
[docs] def read_file_content(self, str_db_name): """Read whole content of file with DataBase in multiprocess safe way Parameters ---------- str_db_name : str Name of asked database """ str_db_file = self.get_file_path_with_db_file(str_db_name) if not os.path.exists(str_db_file): return "" ##### # If necessary then Acquire file LOCK if self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation > 0: if str_db_file not in self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path: self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path[str_db_file] = \ FileLock(str_db_file + ".lock", timeout=1) lock = self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path[str_db_file] try: lock.acquire( timeout=self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation, poll_intervall=self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation / 10.0 ) except Exception: LOGGER.debug("Exception occurred for filelock") sleep(self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation) ##### # Read from file with open(str_db_file, 'r') as file_handle: str_whole_file = return str_whole_file
[docs] def save_file_content(self, str_content, str_db_name): """Save content to file with DataBase in multiprocess safe way Parameters ---------- str_content : str Content to save in database file str_db_name : str Name of asked database """ str_db_file = self.get_file_path_with_db_file(str_db_name) ##### # If necessary then Acquire file LOCK if self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation > 0: if str_db_file not in self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path: self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path[str_db_file] = \ FileLock(str_db_file + ".lock", timeout=1) lock = self.dict_file_lock_by_file_path[str_db_file] # If lock is already acquired no need to do it once again if not lock.is_locked: try: lock.acquire( timeout=self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation, poll_intervall=\ self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation / 10.0 ) except Exception: LOGGER.debug("Exception occurred for filelock") sleep(self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation) ##### # WRITE to file with open(str_db_file, "w") as file_handle: file_handle.write(str_content) ##### # Release filelock if necessary if self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation > 0: lock.release(force=True) sleep(self.float_max_seconds_per_file_operation)
[docs] def get_folder_for_databases(self): """Getting folder where should be file with database Parameters ---------- """ if not self.str_datetime_template_for_rolling: return self.str_path_main_database_dir str_folder_name = self.str_datetime_template_for_rolling ) str_db_folder = os.path.join( self.str_path_main_database_dir, str_folder_name ) if not os.path.isdir(str_db_folder): os.makedirs(str_db_folder) return str_db_folder
[docs] def define_type_of_db_by_name(self, str_db_name): """Define type on database if it name follows given template type_name Parameters ---------- str_db_name : str Name of asked database """ str_db_type = str_db_name.split("_")[0] return str_db_type
[docs] def get_file_path_with_db_file(self, str_db_name): """Get path to file with DataBase Parameters ---------- str_db_name : str Name of asked database """ str_db_folder = self.get_folder_for_databases() str_db_type = self.define_type_of_db_by_name(str_db_name) ##### # Define file name with db if str_db_name.startswith(str_db_type + "_"): str_name_for_file = str_db_name else: str_name_for_file = str_db_type + "_" + str_db_name ##### # Delete not allowed symbols in name str_name_for_file_cleared = \ str_name_for_file.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode() str_name_for_file_cleared = re.sub( r'\\/\:*?"<>\|', "", str_name_for_file_cleared ) assert str_name_for_file_cleared, ( "ERROR: After deleting of symbols which are not allowed " "in the name of a file, DataBase file name happened to be empty" "%s -> %s" % (str_name_for_file, str_name_for_file_cleared) ) ##### str_file_path_with_db_file = os.path.join( str_db_folder, str_name_for_file_cleared + ".txt" ) return str_file_path_with_db_file
[docs] def get_names_of_files_in_dbs_dir(self): """Get names of files in current directory of DataBase Parameters ---------- """ str_db_folder = self.get_folder_for_databases() if not os.path.exists(str_db_folder): LOGGER.warning( "Folder to get filenames doesn't exist: %s", str_db_folder ) return [] list_all_filenames = [] for str_filename in os.listdir(str_db_folder): str_full_path = os.path.join(str_db_folder, str_filename) if not os.path.isfile(str_full_path): continue if not str_filename.endswith(".txt"): continue list_all_filenames.append(str_filename.replace(".txt", "")) LOGGER.debug( "Found files that can be considered as DB files: %d", len(list_all_filenames) ) return list_all_filenames
[docs] def get_list_names_of_all_files_with_dbs_in_dir(self): """Getting all names of databases in DB-handler folder Parameters ---------- """ list_names_of_db_files = self.get_names_of_files_in_dbs_dir() list_names_of_db_files_cleared = [] LOGGER.debug("Trying to filter out only allowed DB types.") LOGGER.debug("Allowed types found: %d", len(self.list_supported_types)) # For every file with DB get data from file for int_file_num, str_filename in enumerate(list_names_of_db_files): LOGGER.debug("%d) Get data from: %s", int_file_num, str_filename) for str_type in self.list_supported_types: if str_filename.startswith(str_type + "_"): LOGGER.debug( "For file with name: %s Found type: %s", str_filename, str_type ) list_names_of_db_files_cleared.append(str_filename) break else: LOGGER.debug( "Not DataBase file in DataBase-s folder with name: %s", str_filename ) LOGGER.debug( "Found files with DBs: %d", len(list_names_of_db_files_cleared) ) return list_names_of_db_files_cleared
[docs] def get_dir_names_of_all_dirs_with_rolling_DBs(self): """Getting names of dir-s with rolling results for DataBase Parameters ---------- """ # Get sorted list of names with dirs with DB data if not os.path.exists(self.str_path_main_database_dir): logging.warning( "Folder to get dir names inside doesn't exist: " + self.str_path_main_database_dir ) return [] list_dir_names = [ os.path.basename(f.path) for f in os.scandir(self.str_path_main_database_dir) if f.is_dir() ] ##### # Clean list of dirs to leave only ones that satisfy name_template condition list_tuples_1_dir_name_2_datetime_obj = [] for str_dir_name in list_dir_names: try: datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime( str_dir_name, self.str_datetime_template_for_rolling ) list_tuples_1_dir_name_2_datetime_obj.append( (str_dir_name, datetime_obj) ) except ValueError: LOGGER.warning( "Folder name doesn't satisfy template %s: %s", self.str_datetime_template_for_rolling, str_dir_name ) ##### # Sort list of dirs by date list_tuples_1_dir_name_2_datetime_obj.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) list_dir_names_cleared = [ dir_name for dir_name, datetime_obj in list_tuples_1_dir_name_2_datetime_obj ] return list_dir_names_cleared
[docs] def get_dict_data_by_db_name(self): """Getting dict with data of every database in the dir of DataBase Parameters ---------- """ dict_data_by_str_db_name = {} LOGGER.debug("Collect all DB data as dict.") list_names_of_db_files = \ self.get_list_names_of_all_files_with_dbs_in_dir() for str_db_name in list_names_of_db_files: dict_data_by_str_db_name[str_db_name] = self[str_db_name] return dict_data_by_str_db_name
[docs] def get_dict_every_DB_by_datetime(self): """ Getting {date_1: dict_results_of_all_DBs_for_date_1, date_2: ...} Parameters ---------- """ dict_dict_DBs_data_by_DB_name_by_date = OrderedDict() list_str_dir_names = self.get_dir_names_of_all_dirs_with_rolling_DBs() ##### # Get data from every day for str_dir_name in list_str_dir_names: str_dir_path = os.path.join( self.str_path_main_database_dir, str(str_dir_name) ) new_db_obj = self.init_new_class_obj( str_path_database_dir=str_dir_path ) dict_dict_DBs_data_by_DB_name_by_date[str(str_dir_name)] = \ new_db_obj.get_dict_data_by_db_name() return dict_dict_DBs_data_by_DB_name_by_date
[docs] def get_one_db_data_daily( self, str_db_name, value_to_use_if_db_not_found=None ): """ Getting {date_1: value_1, date_2: value_2, ...} for one database Parameters ---------- str_db_name : str Name of DataBase which to use value_to_use_if_db_not_found : object value to set if results for some days not found """ dict_dbs_results_by_date = OrderedDict() list_str_dir_names = self.get_dir_names_of_all_dirs_with_rolling_DBs() ##### # Get data from every day for str_dir_name in list_str_dir_names: str_dir_path = os.path.join( self.str_path_main_database_dir, str(str_dir_name) ) new_db_obj = self.init_new_class_obj( str_path_database_dir=str_dir_path ) list_dbs_names = \ new_db_obj.get_list_names_of_all_files_with_dbs_in_dir() if str_db_name in list_dbs_names: dict_dbs_results_by_date[str(str_dir_name)] = \ new_db_obj[str_db_name] elif value_to_use_if_db_not_found is not None: dict_dbs_results_by_date[str(str_dir_name)] = \ value_to_use_if_db_not_found return dict_dbs_results_by_date